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Visuomotor Rollout

To test a visuomotor policy using the Trunk robot hardware, first set up the robot using and motor control and video streaming instructions, then the following steps can be followed.


Initialize a control solver node:

cd asl_trunk_ws
source install/setup.bash
ros2 run controller ik_solver_node

To start the visuomotor rollout, run these commands in a new terminal:

cd asl_trunk_ws
source install/setup.bash
ros2 run executor visuomotor_node

The robot hardware will then react to vision input.

Example Rollout

In the following video, a ResNet18 was trained to output desired trunk pose from an image of the robot enclosure. A set of ~90 training images were collected with AVP teleoperation to have the robot point toward the red octagon. Here's the rollout seen at 8x speed:

Visuomotor Policy Code

All code for training and testing visuomotor policies is available in this Github repo.