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To collect data for visuomotor policies using the Trunk robot with teleoperation, or to just teleoperate the robot for a demonstration, first set up the robot using the motor control, motion capture, and video streaming directions, then the following steps can be followed.


Initialize a control solver node:

cd main/
source install/setup.bash
ros2 run controller ik_solver_node

Start an image storing node if you want to save the recorded data:

cd main/
source install/setup.bash
ros2 run streamer image_storing_node

Initialize the AVP streaming node:

cd main/
source install/setup.bash
ros2 run streamer avp_streamer_node

Finally, begin an executor node:

cd main/
source install/setup.bash
ros2 run executor teleop_ik_node 

You can then follow the prompts in the TrunkTeleop App on the AVP to calibrate the virtual trunk to the hardware trunk, then start streaming and recording data from trunk teleoperation.

Teleop Example

See the video below for an example of teleoperation in action.