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Motion Capture System


First, make sure the robot is turned on. The motion capture cameras should show numbers 1-4. The Windows laptop has to be connected to the OptiHub via USB, and be running the Motive 2 software. Then, on the remote computer run the following command:

cd mocap_ws
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch mocap4r2_optitrack_driver
and in a new terminal run:
cd mocap_ws
source install/setup.bash
ros2 lifecycle set /mocap4r2_optitrack_driver_node activate
ros2 run converter converter_node
You can choose whether to use markers or rigid bodies by changing the type parameter, i.e.
ros2 run converter converter_node --ros-args -p type:='markers'  # or 'rigid_bodies' (default)


In the Motive 2 software, make sure that the rigid bodies are correctly set up. There should be a rigid body for each segment of the robot, and the markers should be correctly assigned to the rigid bodies (5/6 markers per rigid body).